
Keep an eye out for inflatable swans. If you follow Twitter or Instagram, consider using the #SWANspotting hashtag. Residents of St. Charles experienced #SWANspotting on March 10th at the annual St. Patrick’s Parade. The St. Charles Public Library staff greeted the community and announced joining the SWAN network on May 1st.  Congratulations to the the … Continue reading “#SWANspotting”

Countdown to 19 Libraries Joining SWAN

A West Chicago Public Library Reader shares the excitement of an expanded SWAN catalog. We are in our final days of preparation and data loading in adding 19 libraries to our SWAN family.  Our March press release provided an overview of the extended SWAN network. As you visit SWAN libraries, we hope that you continue … Continue reading “Countdown to 19 Libraries Joining SWAN”

Glen Ellyn Public Library – Spreading Our Wings

Glen Ellyn Public Library’s website provides an update for library users on joining SWAN. Remodeling circulation and meeting spaces is also underway, making the library extremely busy and exciting.  Stop in for a #SWANselfie One patron found time to relax with a good book and a comfortable reading spot. Happy #SWANspotting!